Credit Cards / Credit Score / Buying on Credit / 2004

...Saw this pretty cool story on 60 Minutes about this guy who went from rags to riches, back to rags, then back to riches. He claims that credit is what screwed him, and the "credit world" is the downfall of the masses. Not to say that all people are dumb--but that IS what I say, you dumbass--his point was how if you're not careful in this "credit world", then it can really put you in a hole that there's no escape from...
No shit.

Hey again everybody! It's me; back to talk about Fake Money! My whole reality has been blessed/cursed with my own unique view of how things work. Sometimes I'm way ahead of the intelligence curve, really, and sometimes I'm a little behind. The roots of this independent thinking come from my conspiracy buff background, and how I don't usually ride popularity waves with the public--I do things on my own time with my own emphasis. But I'm not here to pat my own back; I'm only reminding you that you cannot judge an uncommon entity by common standards. Just because the world revolves around credit, and some calculated credit score; and worth is judged by how much money some corporate bank will loan you, those are not ways to "rate" me. By those standards I'm like a worthless welfare mother; thank you.

"If you ain't got the money in your pocket for it, then you don't need whatever it is you're looking at." I said this to a credit guy back in 1987, and his (accurate) point was that the world was moving to a credit society. He had a little conspiracy in him, too, and he was saying that the corporations already had ALL the money, see? And the corporations aren't going to give out the money to you or anybody else, but they WILL offer you credit--the promise that you will pay back over time, and for that you can enjoy the "illusion" of ownership early. I semi-understood his point, but remained strong in my own conviction that a person should live only by the money he can touch (with the possible exceptions of car and home ownership--of course).

Hey; I was in college at the age of 20, away from home, where all the credit card companies set up their little booths to GIVE AWAY credit cards to kids obsessed with food, sex, and toys; we all know how marketing works. My first roommate had about $10K in credit card debt before the age of 22. I thought that was funny. In his defense; he had a nice truck, a big Sony tv, fantastic appliances; and the money he owed may have helped to mature him--while I didn't even have a car, and am still pretty immature. But, as his roommate, I benefitted from his cool possesions without ever "accruing" any interest. My other "trick", since 1994, has been to date women with good credit; I'm a fucking genius. At this point I will take my lack of credit, and ability to date younger, responsible women over the alternatives. Thank you.

Last point; I am going to start making some more money soon--and that will probably help my credit score, right? Maybe I'll "buy" some credit--I don't know. Look at the concern on my face. Down the road I may even have to get some credit for a vehicle--I hope not; I want my current ride to last forever--but let's be realistic. If you live by television standards (ha), then you know how important credit is. But, again, I suggest that you do some thinking for yourself. If some "purchase plan" seems like it's not the best financial idea (for you) in the long run, and the only selling point is some present-day "lease", and if it's NOT a true need for you right now, then DON'T listen to other people. Those other people; it's their JOB is to get you in debt--did you figure that part out yet? Take it one step further; THEY get a bonus from their boss for YOUR promise to pay; does that seem right to you? It sure doesn't seem right to me, but it does make me want to work for a credit company. Never mind.

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